Saturday, March 14, 2009

Why a woman cries?

She cries because she feels
She cannot clearly explain why?
Do not ask?
Just listen and that is enough
She feels so much and sometimes do not think
For thinking and feeling may not be of the same thing
She cries when she don’t understand
She cries when she can’t find any response
You may think she’s very unreasonable
Call her idiot, call her weak
Think whatever you think she is
But crying is a remedy of her pain
Men often console her
Asking her to stop crying
They do not think that it is her release
Her only remedy in sharing her grief
For her, there’s no harm in crying
She can cry up to her last breath
As long as this can make her feel better
Expressing one’s emotion that can never be totally explained
If she stop crying, then it means she‘s ready to face the challenges
(To all women with a crying face but with a strong heart. Happy Women’s month!)